RecurrenceUtils class
conatins all neccessary utils.
[hashCode] [→ int] : The hash code for this object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[runtimeType] [→ Type] : A representation of the runtime type of the object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[noSuchMethod][([[Invocation] invocation]) → dynamic ] : Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed. ::: features inherited :::
[toString][ [→ String] ] : A string representation of this object. ::: features inherited :::
[operator ==][([[Object] other]) [→ bool] ] : The equality operator. ::: features inherited :::
Static Methods
[getRecurrenceRuleText][([[String] frequency, ][[Set[<[String]>]?] weekDays, ][[int?] interval, ][[int?] count, ][[int?] weekDayOccurenceInMonth, ][[DateTime] startDate, ][[DateTime?] endDate]) [→ String] ] : 'getRecurrenceRuleText' return text for various recurrence rules.
[getWeekDayOccurenceInMonth][([[DateTime] date]) [→ int] ] : 'getWeekDayOccurenceInMonth' returns the week day occurence in month.
[getWeekDaysString][([[List[<[String]>]] weekDays]) [→ String] ] : 'getWeekDaysString' returns string for weekDays.
[isLastOccurenceOfWeekDay][([[DateTime] date]) [→ bool] ] : Function to check whether cuurent event instance is Last occurence of Week Day.
[monthNames] [→ const List[<[String]>]] : represents all the months.
[weekDayOccurences] [→ const List[<[String]>]] : represents all the week day occurences.
[weekDays] [→ const List[<[String]>]] : represents all the week days.
- talawa
- recurrence_values
- RecurrenceUtils class