eventsDemoData top-level constant
List[<[Map[<[String], [Object]>]]>] const eventsDemoData
'eventsDemoData' is a list of events that are used to display the events in the app.
Each event has the following properties:
- title: The title of the event.
- description: The description of the event.
- location: The location of the event.
- recurring: Whether the event is recurring or not.
- allDay: Whether the event is an all-day event or not.
- startDate: The start date of the event.
- endDate: The end date of the event.
- startTime: The start time of the event.
- endTime: The end time of the event.
- recurrence: The recurrence of the event.
- isPublic: Whether the event is public or not.
- isSubscribed: Whether the user is subscribed to the event or not.
- isRegisterable: Whether the event is registerable or not.
- creator: The creator of the event.
- attendees: The attendees of the event.
- admins: The admins of the event.
- organization: The organization of the event.
const eventsDemoData = [
- talawa
- events_demo_data
- eventsDemoData constant