CachedUserAction class
CachedUserAction class represents a user action that is cached for offline use.
This class provides the following functionalities:
: converts a CachedUserAction to a JSON-compatible map.fromJson
: creates a CachedUserAction from a JSON-compatible map.execute
: executes the cached user action based on its operation type.
: - Object
- HiveObject
- CachedUserAction
: - @HiveType(typeId: 3)
[CachedUserAction.fromJson][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] json])] : Creates a CachedUserAction from a JSON-compatible map. ::: factory :::
[box] [→ BoxBase?]
: Get the box in which this object is stored. Returns null
if object
has not been added to a box yet.
::: features
no setterinherited
[expiry] [↔ DateTime] : The expiry date and time for the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[hashCode] [→ int] : The hash code for this object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[id] [↔ String] : The unique identifier for the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[isInBox] [→ bool] : Returns whether this object is currently stored in a box. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[key] → dynamic
: Get the key associated with this object. Returns null
if object
has not been added to a box yet.
::: features
no setterinherited
[metaData] [↔ Map[<[String], dynamic>]?] : Any additional metadata related to the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[operation] [↔ String] : The operation to be performed for the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[operationType] [↔ CachedOperationType] : The type of operation for the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[runtimeType] [→ Type] : A representation of the runtime type of the object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[status] [↔ CachedUserActionStatus] : The status of the cached user action. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[timeStamp] [↔ DateTime] : The timestamp when the action was cached. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[variables] [↔ Map[<[String], dynamic>]?] : The variables required for the operation, if any. ::: features getter/setter pair :::
[delete][ [→ Future<[void>]] ] : Deletes this object from the box it is stored in. ::: features inherited :::
[execute][ [→ Future[<[QueryResult[<[Object?]>]]>]] ] : Executes the cached user action based on its operation type.
[noSuchMethod][([[Invocation] invocation]) → dynamic ] : Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed. ::: features inherited :::
[save][ [→ Future<[void>]] ] : Persists this object. ::: features inherited :::
[toJson][ [→ Map[<[String], dynamic>]] ] : Converts a CachedUserAction to a JSON-compatible map.
[toString][ [→ String] ] : A string representation of this object. ::: features override :::
[operator ==][([[Object] other]) [→ bool] ] : The equality operator. ::: features inherited :::
- talawa
- cached_user_action
- CachedUserAction class