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executeOrCacheOperation method


Executes a GraphQL operation or caches it for offline execution.

This function checks internet connectivity. If online, it executes the provided whenOnline function and returns the result. If offline, it creates a CachedUserAction object representing the operation and stores it in the offlineActionQueue. It then returns null.


  • operation: The GraphQL operation string.
  • variables: Optional variables for the operation (Map<String, dynamic>).
  • operationType: The type of the GraphQL operation (from CachedOperationType enum).
  • whenOnline: A function that executes the operation online and returns the result (Future<QueryResult<Object?>?>).


  • Future<QueryResult<Object?>>: Returns the result of the operation.


Future<QueryResult<Object?>>  async 
  1. talawa
  2. cache_service
  3. CacheService
  4. executeOrCacheOperation method
CacheService class