EventService class
EventService class provides different services in the context of Event.
Services include:
: to set organization stream subscription for user.getEvents
: to get all events of the organization.fetchAttendeesByEvent
: to fetch all attendees of an event.registerForAnEvent
: to register for an event.deleteEvent
: to delete an event.editEvent
: to edit the event.fetchEventVolunteers
: to fetch all volunteers of an event.createVolunteerGroup
: to create a volunteer group.addVolunteerToGroup
: to add a volunteer to a group.dispose
: to cancel the stream subscription of an organization.
: - Object
- BaseFeedManager[<[Event]>]
- EventService
[cacheKey] [→ String] : feed cacheBox key. ::: features finalinherited :::
[currentOrg] [→ OrgInfo] : The event stream. ::: features no setter :::
[eventStream] [→ Stream[<[List[<[Event]>]]>]] : The event stream. ::: features no setter :::
[hashCode] [→ int] : The hash code for this object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[runtimeType] [→ Type] : A representation of the runtime type of the object. ::: features no setterinherited :::
[addVolunteerToGroup][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to add a volunteer to a group.
[createAgendaItem][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to create an agenda item.
[createEvent][ [→ Future[<[QueryResult[<[Object?]>]]>]] ] : This function is used to create an event using a GraphQL mutation.
[createVolunteerGroup][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to create a volunteer group.
[deleteAgendaItem][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to delete an agenda item.
[deleteEvent][([[String] eventId]) [→ Future[<[QueryResult[<[Object?]>]]>]] ] : This function is used to delete the event.
dispose [→ void ] : This function is used to cancel the stream subscription of an organization.
[editEvent][ [→ Future[<[QueryResult[<[Object?]>]]>]] ] : This function is used to edit an event.
[fetchAgendaCategories][([[String] orgId]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to create an agenda item.
[fetchAgendaItems][([[String] eventId]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to fetch all agenda items for a specific organization.
[fetchAttendeesByEvent][([[String] eventId]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to fetch all registrants of an event.
[fetchDataFromApi][ [→ Future[<[List[<[Event]>]]>]] ] : Abstract method to be implemented by subclasses to fetch data from an API. ::: features override :::
[fetchEventsInitial][ [→ Future<[void>]] ] : Fetches the initial set of events, loading from the cache first, and then refreshing the feed.
[fetchVolunteerGroupsByEvent][([[String] eventId]) [→ Future[<[List[<[EventVolunteerGroup]>]]>]] ] : This function is used to fetch all volunteer groups for an event.
[getEvents][ [→ Future<[void>]] ] : This function is used to fetch all the events of an organization.
[getNewFeedAndRefreshCache][ [→ Future[<[List[<[Event]>]]>]] ] : Fetches new data from the API if online, updates the cache, and returns the data. ::: features inherited :::
[loadCachedData][ [→ Future[<[List[<[Event]>]]>]] ] : Loads the data cached in Hive. ::: features inherited :::
[noSuchMethod][([[Invocation] invocation]) → dynamic ] : Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed. ::: features inherited :::
[refreshFeed][ [→ Future<[void>]] ] : Refreshes the event feed by fetching the latest events from the API and updating the event stream.
[registerForAnEvent][([[String] eventId]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to register user for an event.
[removeVolunteerFromGroup][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to remove a volunteer from a group.
[removeVolunteerGroup][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to remove a volunteer group.
[saveDataToCache][([[List[<[Event]>]] data]) [→ Future<[void>]] ] : Saves a list of data to the cache, replacing any existing data. ::: features inherited :::
setOrgStreamSubscription [→ void ] : This function is used to set stream subscription for an organization.
[toString][ [→ String] ] : A string representation of this object. ::: features inherited :::
[updateAgendaItem][([[String] itemId, ][[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to update an agenda item.
[updateVolunteerGroup][([[Map[<[String], dynamic>]] variables]) [→ Future] ] : This function is used to update the information of a volunteer group.
[operator ==][([[Object] other]) [→ bool] ] : The equality operator. ::: features inherited :::
- talawa
- event_service
- EventService class