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getPostsById method

[String] getPostsById(

  1. [[String] orgId, ]
  2. [[String?] after, ]
  3. [[String?] before, ]
  4. [[int?] first, ]
  5. [[int?] last, ]


Getting Posts by Id.


  • orgId: The organisation id
  • after: The cursor after which the posts are to be fetched
  • before: The cursor before which the posts are to be fetched
  • first: The number of posts to be fetched from the start
  • last: The number of posts to be fetched from the end


  • String: The query related to gettingPostsbyId


String getPostsById(
String orgId,
String? after,
String? before,
int? first,
int? last,
  1. talawa
  2. post_queries
  3. PostQueries
  4. getPostsById method
PostQueries class