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EventSearch class

This class returns a list of the events which match the search query.


: - Object





[autocorrect] [→ bool] : Whether to enable autocorrection. ::: features finalinherited :::

[automaticallyImplyLeading] [↔ bool?] : Controls whether we should try to imply the leading widget if null. ::: features getter/setter pairinherited :::

[enableSuggestions] [→ bool] : Whether to show input suggestions as the user types. ::: features finalinherited :::

[eventList] [→ List[<[Event]>]]

: ::: features final :::

[exploreEventsViewModel] [↔ ExploreEventsViewModel]

: ::: features getter/setter pair :::

[hashCode] [→ int] : The hash code for this object. ::: features no setterinherited :::

[keyboardType] [→ TextInputType?] : The type of action button to use for the keyboard. ::: features finalinherited :::

[leadingWidth] [↔ double?] : Defines the width of AppBar.leading widget. ::: features getter/setter pairinherited :::

[query] [↔ String] : The current query string shown in the AppBar. ::: features getter/setter pairinherited :::

[runtimeType] [→ Type] : A representation of the runtime type of the object. ::: features no setterinherited :::

[searchFieldDecorationTheme] [→ InputDecorationTheme?] : The InputDecorationTheme used to configure the search field's visuals. ::: features finalinherited :::

[searchFieldLabel] [→ String?] : The hint text that is shown in the search field when it is empty. ::: features finalinherited :::

[searchFieldStyle] [→ TextStyle?] : The style of the searchFieldLabel. ::: features finalinherited :::

[textInputAction] [→ TextInputAction] : The text input action configuring the soft keyboard to a particular action button. ::: features finalinherited :::

[transitionAnimation] [→ Animation[<[double]>]] : Animation triggered when the search pages fades in or out. ::: features no setterinherited :::


[appBarTheme][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ ThemeData] ] : The theme used to configure the search page. ::: features inherited :::

[buildActions][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ List[<[Widget]>]] ] : Widgets to display after the search query in the AppBar. ::: features override :::

[buildBottom][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ PreferredSizeWidget?] ] : Widget to display across the bottom of the AppBar. ::: features inherited :::

[buildFlexibleSpace][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ Widget?] ] : Widget to display a flexible space in the AppBar. ::: features inherited :::

[buildLeading][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ Widget] ] : A widget to display before the current query in the AppBar. ::: features override :::

[buildResults][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ Widget] ] : The results shown after the user submits a search from the search page. ::: features override :::

[buildSuggestions][([[BuildContext] context]) [→ Widget] ] : Suggestions shown in the body of the search page while the user types a query into the search field. ::: features override :::

[buildSuggestionsSucess][([[List[<[Event]>]] suggestions]) [→ Widget] ]


[close][([[BuildContext] context, ][[Event] result]) → void ] : Closes the search page and returns to the underlying route. ::: features inherited :::

dispose [→ void ] : Releases the resources. ::: features inherited :::

[noSuchMethod][([[Invocation] invocation]) → dynamic ] : Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed. ::: features inherited :::

[showResults][([[BuildContext] context]) → void ] : Transition from the suggestions returned by buildSuggestions to the query results returned by buildResults. ::: features inherited :::

[showSuggestions][([[BuildContext] context]) → void ] : Transition from showing the results returned by buildResults to showing the suggestions returned by buildSuggestions. ::: features inherited :::

[toString][ [→ String] ] : A string representation of this object. ::: features inherited :::


[operator ==][([[Object] other]) [→ bool] ] : The equality operator. ::: features inherited :::

  1. talawa
  2. event_search_delegate
  3. EventSearch class
event_search_delegate library